Grattis i förskott också, Miriam!
Du är finast gumman!!
you intrigue me, i hope you're okay
jo miriam, jag lovar.
jag fattar. precis.
are you ok? you are starting to seem depressed and sucidal. your blog used to be one of my favorites...
i hope you're okay. i just wanted to say i understand how you feel
nor for me here
do feel better,
there are lovely things still to be found ..
there is nothing for me here either.
känner likadant.. hoppas du mår bra eller bättre snart <3
så enkelt, så stilla, så starkt.
tycker så himla mycket om din blogg miriam!!!
i know that too well. hope you're ok.. but i have a feeling that it is something. it might sounds strange, but i wish i could talk to you. it is like you can understand something that noone else understand. or i could help you. help, that's the wrong word! but something that you can associate with help. kind of. i think about you.
totally agree......
i am a kind of abnormal person.. don't care if you don't want to.
as a friend once said to me: that i am the night- the part of the time when you don't actually care if you see, don't care if you breath. but you want to live and be understood. just not by human beings, and not as you think other will be understood. you are helpless. and dark. -i never actually understood what she meant. but it feels so right.
så känner jag gällande mitt liv. de finns ingenting för mig här längre. tack för en bra blogg <3.
me neither, yet