my camera is in rehab at the moment so I use my iphone as you might have noticed ...
some photos that I took today
I was at school today
Im tired of it already
Im allergic to people
especially teenagers
like me
but im not like them
can someone give me a big house into the deep russian woods with a big garden full of cherry trees
cuz I can't stand this
I want to run away and never come back
never miss
never regret
I live in the wrong place
wrong time
I laugh out tears.....................
oh lady you sound like meeeeee you're not alone !
I know exactly what you mean. I REALLY don't want to go to school next week. Boring classes and phony people...
Buda en resa på tradera med sj till göteborg så får du bo hos mig!
Jag bor inte i Ryssland, men i ett hus nära en skog! kom kom kom. jag vet inte vart jag ska ta vägen här i stan, bara driver runt.
you have no idea what I love your looks :)
and your blog too really
amazing !!! love thoses pants and boots
by back of the one
i feeling the same whit collage people
i'm tired to do the same everydays and see them stupid things fuck of
if you need an osloweek- comecome. i have a small room and you can sit here all by yourself while i am at school. if i go.
hm rysk skog? med alla skogsbränder i ryussland mena jag..?hehe..
jag tror alla i din ålder känner sådär också så
dear, i feel your pain. i'm starting high school next week and i can assure you that polish sixteen-year-olds are the worst on the planet Earth. all fake wayfarers, skinny jeans, justin bieber haircut, coloforful nike shoes, the skins tv series, and "YEAH PARTYYY". and probably going to be the only person in school who doesn't smoke cigarettes. so nonconformist of me, huh?
ha ha take me with you
That is why I just left University.
That is why I never finished highschool...hahaha
yaya ville bara påpeka att rysslands skogar håller på att brinna upp alltså ´maan
jo okej, näe det vet jag ju inte, har aldrig ens träffat dig:)
jaaa det är ju bra!!!1 I'm fine with learning once in a while but I hate the whole people thing! teenagers suck. even though i'm one. All of us that feel this way should start a group and go to the same school ahaha ;)
You inspire me so much, you took the words about school right out of my mouth
Are you still in high school? Because it gets better afterwards, once you have the freedom to hang with the people YOU choose and aren't forced to be surrounded by philistines and pussycat-wannabes
I was at school today
Im tired of it already
Im allergic to your political views
especially yours
like you
but im not like you
thank God
s- haha stå upp för det du säger istället, patetisk att gömma sig bakom datan...
eftersom jag är en av de få som inte har en blogg att länka till så vet jag inte riktigt hur jag ska göra för att inte vara anonym?
skaffa egna åsikter istället för att gömma dig på andras, är mitt råd!
ursäkta min dåliga svenska, bakom menar jag, inte på.
inte alltid så lätt när man inte är svensk.
FACT: we think the same. I laughed when you wrote that you're allergic to people -all along i've been saying i'm a people person but I hate people-now I'll just use what you say haha.
i always want to quit school AND runaway.
and sometimes I think I live in the wrong time, and definitely the wrong place.
s- jag bryr mig inte om du har en blogg eller ej, men ett namn har du! har inte lust att svara eller diskutera med någon som gömmer sig och inte vågar stå upp för sina åsikter. onödigt och sjukt omoget med pajkastning. tillsist, jag behöver inte skaffa mig egna åsikter för det har jag redan