몇 주일 전에

Postat av: 나그네

Why don’t you visit Korea?

I invite you!!

2010-01-26 @ 14:22:15
URL: http://www.vian.kr
Postat av: Karin

miriam. see ya soon?

2010-01-26 @ 16:01:11
URL: http://porkoperation.blogspot.com
Postat av: emma


2010-01-26 @ 16:07:59
URL: http://sheepskinmagazine.blogspot.com
Postat av: miriam

나그네- i want to and i will, soon! in the future. thank you!!

karin- oui

2010-01-26 @ 17:21:04
URL: http://wedgeheel.blogg.se/
Postat av: 나그네

A lot of people waiting for you. I want it to be invited.

I am 26 years old and living in Seoul, has been invited to Sweden and I would hope ...

Now is the winter of Korea.

My contacts [email protected]

Keep me posted you.

The blog you've seen over 2 years ^ ^

2010-01-26 @ 19:51:12
Postat av: Fleshandblood

RE: yes dem är mina ;)

miriam jag älskar dina bilder! Blir glad av din blogg<3


2010-01-26 @ 20:15:21
URL: http://fleshandblood.webblogg.se/
Postat av: josefin

love your coat!

2010-01-26 @ 20:50:31
URL: http://jsefin.blogspot.com
Postat av: Robine

allt ser så mysigt ut!

2010-01-26 @ 21:55:53
URL: http://pearlpinkandbabyblue.blogspot.com
Postat av: lina


2010-01-27 @ 21:48:34
URL: http://myownmuse.blogg.se/
Postat av: Suzanne

I'm so so so in love with your coat..!!

2010-01-28 @ 13:25:22
URL: http://saaht.blogspot.com
Postat av: ellio100

looks like the start of an adventure.

2010-01-29 @ 00:10:59
URL: http://ellio100.wordpress.com
Postat av: amandine

your coat is perfect! :)

2010-01-31 @ 13:02:25
URL: http://thesprout-and-thebean.blogspot.com
Postat av: bella

fina bilder,

2010-02-07 @ 14:14:20
URL: http://idid.blogg.se/
Postat av: Mignphinc

Hey there every tom, enquire about exposed this marvellous .

Its the most outstanding I've every one sign in accross - correctly good getting it.

2012-07-09 @ 20:22:57
URL: http://www.diablo-3-guides.org
Postat av: yxttxxzoYT

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