bad morning
för mig med, muse har ställt in konserten :(
älskar bilderna, hoppas att resten av dagen blir bättre för dig:)
i understand- i really do. i've been like that for a long long time, and i am still part of. there were weeks when i told my mom i went to school, but only sat in parks a long way from home, before i went home to an empty house. i didn't call anyone, and didn't make any appointments with anyone. it doesn't feel like you can do something with it either, it just have to do as itself please.. i want things to be good for you! i worry too much about other people, but i think it is a good thing. tell me if it is something you want to tell me/talk
i really like your blog too. your style is amazing.
Svar-känns inte som jag gör vidare mycket jag heller. har inte direkt någon speciell anledning att gå ut.
har hemundervisning sen ca 1,5 år tillbaka. inte av förälder utan av en lärare från skolan.
har som tur är småkusiner som "drar med" mig ut.
Your blog is one of my favorites- and thats saying a lot considering the amount of blogs there are. But--
keep on posting beautiful images, I wish I got to see more of your style--and thoughts!!
Best Wishes (please take a look at our blog!)
underbara bilder. framförallt 1 och 3
important little things :)