my soygurt

Postat av: Alexander

Yay, you're back! Is your camera fixed?

How did you do the black background? Are you vegan?

2010-11-19 @ 17:09:28
Postat av: Ellen

Gilla! Fast jag har aldrig smakat på den. Ätit vegank yoghurt en gång, kan tyckas lite dåligt för att vara vegan… Jag har bytt blogg, så du vet… Kram!

2010-11-19 @ 17:58:50
Postat av: rick

" how did you do the black background"......??!!? a child of 4 years could answer you.

...unbelieveble how stupid could the post be

2010-11-19 @ 19:54:17
Postat av: miriam

Alexander- my camera is working! these pictures are taken with my scanner!

rick, I get what you mean :) but im curious, why do you read my "stupid blog"?

2010-11-19 @ 21:37:01
Postat av: rick

i meant:

incredible how stupid COMMENTS could be.

i read each day your blog cause it's the BEST ONE

2010-11-20 @ 00:10:32
Postat av: miriam

rick- ah ok! thank you!!

2010-11-20 @ 07:19:28
Postat av: Anna Bo

Soygurt ar ju ocksa ett av varldens roligaste ord. Nomnomnom.

2010-11-20 @ 13:36:00

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