favorite dish, hometown, age ETC ETC
favorite dish: must be something with mango in itt,
hometown: Roosendaal, really small place in the south of the Netherlands (quite near Antwerp-Belgium)
age: 17
++ I'm 17 years old,& absolutely love your blog but have no idea how i found it. I've lived in africa for a few years but am now finishing my senior year in the Netherlands.. after that (so this summer) I will move to london because I got accepted at central saint martins, don't know whether you know it. anywayyy that's all little info about one reader of yours.. but really most important that I realllyy dig you blog! Keeep on the good woork :D
i've just started to read your blog, still it has become one of my favourites. i am 18 (this year) and live in a suburban area near oslo. this is what i enjoy; art reading writing pictures music movies the sea coffee food (favourite dishes: pizza indian food chocolate cakes etc etc). i barely comment on others blogs because i become so insecure lol. anyway, like your blog!
I'm getting younger every day.
My preferred dish would be veggie Indian food.
i absolutely love eating fruits and pizza. i'm from hamburg in germany and i'm 15 years old.
i like your blog because it's some kind of mysterious i think. you don't show and tell everything of your life and this is why i love reading your sentences.
really great :)
I hate talking about myself, and more after reading all this interesting people lifes in the comments above, but oh well.
I'm Irene, 15, I've always live near Madrid, hate birthdays and my favourite dish is probably soup + asian and indian food
that's all
It s been a while since my last post on a blog.
I trully enjoy yours.
My favourite food is italian and chinese one. Specially my mom s bolognesa pasta.
I m from Spain.
i am fifteen and i live in australia but i pretend i'm german (i'm only half german actually) because i feel boring otherwise. i cling to the fact that i was born there, near hamburg.
i like to eat plain mascarpone cheese from the tub with maple syrup.
i enjoy reading books, old ones and retarded postmodern ones.
i think your blog is cool, genuinely cool.
sometimes i wonder if you are sad?
chinese food!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
take care
i dont think im really interesting
Im 16 and i live in a small village which is quite near hamburg and bremen
im vietnamese but i was born in germany
i dont have a favourite dish but i love the food my mom makes,.. well we eat rice a lot, and rice noodles,..etc
In my freetime i sleep, i listen to music that some of my friends call "weird", i do sports like volleyball, i take pictures (analogue - even though its so expensive), i love dancing
i think im just an average teenage girl, not so intelligent and experienced, naive
and i love your blog somehow
Johan, 18, Finspång (Östergötland)
Gärna barfota, älskar Pokémon
Spenderar tid i skogen och på cykel
Jag gillar salta kex, kött, havre fras och kolasås.
julia, 17 snart 18 på fredag. är lite små skraj att bli 18. vet inte varför ganska onödigt att bli rädd för saker egentligen men sådan är väl jag. jag gillar att äta hallon, och jag gillar din blogg. puss
Josefin, 18 år bor i piteå (norrbotten). Studerar mode & design i luleå för att utbilda mig till stylis/ateljé sömmerska.
Stort fan av sallad, tonfisk sallad, ceasar, grekisk bondsallad, u name it! Salta kex är också gott.
I'm Jimena, I'm 20 and I'm from the Basque Country, in Spain. I've been a vegetarian for 2 years and I have a huge sweet tooth so I like almost anything with sugar in it, especially fruit, ice-cream and cakes. I don't have those last two very often though hehe. I love yoga, libraries and Brazil.
andrea, 19år fra oslo
favorittmat : noodlesoup nr. 9 fra Far East [oslo]
dette er min favoritblogg !
andrea, 19år fra oslo
favorittmat : noodlesoup nr. 9 fra Far East [oslo]
dette er min favoritblogg !
favorite dish: some kind of breakfast item
hometown: california
age: 18
hehe, i'm pretty boring... i skipped my class this morning. making peanut butter sandwiches right now before my next class (:
jag heter hanna och är snart 16 år. jag gillar ballerina kladdkaka, särskilt när man doppar de i mjölken i exakt 5 sekunder, då är de perfekta!!
jag bor i stockholm men föddes på gotland, ute på landet. jag hade en höna som hette agda som jag matade med glass.
jag har en tendens att aldrig läsa klart böcker, tyvärr. jag tröttnar efter halva eftersom jag inser att alla dessa populära deckare slutar på exakt samma sätt. deckare har aldrig varit min grej..
jag gillar "momo eller kampen om tiden". jag tror att det är en barnbok men det är himla bra och momo är en väldigt intressant person. läs den om du inte har läst den!!
kan inte du berätta lite om dig själv också?
i'm 15, i love taco and i'm from a little place in norway. i like black clothes, horror-movies, autumn and reading. i'm a sad person and i listen to music all the time. i'm pretty boring. i want to move to london.
im hanna, 19, from estonia and i've lived in africa and im gonna go to UK for university next year (i felt like saying that cause the first girl said something similar) AND i miss africa cause i miss eating chicken feet =)
Jag heter Lovisa, rådiggar din blogg. 18 år från Götet.
Mackor måste ju i överlag vara det godaste och smartaste som finns. De kan ätas till frukost, lunch, middag och fungerar som både mat och godis.
Jordnötssmör, nutella, marmelad eller andra kletiga pålägg är ju syndigt gott.
Jag gillar våren och böcker med budskap.
favorite dish: anything vegetarian!
age: fifteen
hometown: oslo, norway
just discovered your blog and i love it so much! it's so mysterious. sad but happy if you know what i mean. i always get really hungry after visiting it heh
My name is Mia and I live in Sweden, in a liittle town and I'm 17 years old. I like reading, writing and hang out with friends. And so on..
Hehe, I'm not good at things like this I'm sorry!
my name is zsa-zsa, i’m 17 and my favorite foods are apples, strawberries, mangoes, grapes, spinach, broccoli, bread, cheese, pasta, salad, melons, pineapple, peaches, falafel, potatoes, hummus, lasagna,
ice cream, tomatoes, eggplant stew and pancakes.
now i’ve just finished my 6th cinnamon roll and i'm gonna go lie down and then make some pasta ok BYEEEE
Jag heter Jennifer, eller Jenifer, what ever, men det vet du. Jag bor i Stockholm, mer exakt typ vid NK. Det är bra och nära till allt utom tunnelbanan och mataffärer (inte riktigt vid NK, men typ)
Jag älskar det mesta när det kommer till mat men jag föredrar Italienskt, eller inte egentligen men det är något med det som gör att det alltid är gott. (lulligt svar) men men. En av mina favoriträtter är att steka gullök, rödbetor och ägg sedan ha diverse kryddor såsom chili, basilika och salt och sen har jag olivolja på typ exakt allt jag äter tror jag (i alla fall näör jag är hemma)
Annars älskar jag godis och glass och allt som går att äta i stort sätt, det är ett stort intresse jag har, mat. Gillar också att träna, gå långa promenader, åka bil, lyssna på musik, göra ingenting, festa, och framförallt är det viktigt att man göra detta med rätt personer. Jag gillar min pojkvän väldigt mycket just nu ocskså och SOLEN! Å mitt svar blev bara jättelulligt och jag hade ingen plkan från början för att jag är hemma hos honom men jag ville jättegärna svara på det här men jag vill vara med honom men jag vikll att du ska veta att jag vekrligen läser din blogg för att du är fin.
hey fina du! jag är sjutton år. jag älskar sommaren. jag äter bara vegetariskt. men jag vill bli vegan, det ska jag bli när jag flyttar hemifrån. jag förstår inte hur människor kan äta kött. just nu ser jag på chuck på sexan. och äter hummus macka! jag gillar hummus väldigt mycket :) det var lite om mej. kram
Tänkte tipsa om en superbra gratissajt: http://www.supergratis.se/?r=75450
Genom denna sida samlar man poäng genom att utföra gratiskampanjer, tävlingar osv. För att sedan byta in sina poäng mot valfri pryl (telefon, kamera, presentkort osv)
Jag själv har samlat ihop till en kamera och 1000kr på HM.
Gratis är gott, eller hur?
Prova du också :) Helt gratis!
mysig blogg :D
im 17. from Helsinki, Finland. love sweets. feel guilty after eating them. love all kind of bakery. now i'm trying to bee 2 months without all that shit. testing my self-control.
tomorrow i have to wake up 4:48. i start work at 6 at a cute market place. Then i go to school and after that jogging.
Im trying to save money too, im leaving to paris early june for a month. love the city.
your blog is cool.
Im old, 21. I never stay anywhere for a long time. In recent years Ive lived in Amsterdam, a little village in Bulgaria and New York... When I run completely out of money I come back to my hometown, the smallest town of Finland, to work as a substitute teacher. I also make jewelry from gemstones. I eat everything I see, but a particular favourite is goat cheese salad with pink grapefruit and caramelized onion. I love home-made icy smoothies.
I'm 17 from Warsaw (Poland) and completly in love with the city I live in. Really it's so amazing full of old buildings falling apart, 70's blocks built in PRL, modern sky raisers. And still it has its own harmony.
My favourite thing to eat is anything mint (I can't live without chewing gum don't know if it counts though).
And I've got some music for you (give me some feedback if you like it or not)
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_JktRAQo9wQ&feature=related and here a great cover http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MYkEv41Pogw
heleen / belgium / icecream + breakfast for evah. oh and coffee. i regard human kind somewhat as a curiosity, not something i really enjoy being part of. i want to grow old in a tree house and cast spells on the village.
Hi! I´m Nico. I´m 23 so you all should call me grandpa Nico!!!
what can I say about me... I was born in Argentina but actually live in Valencia,Spain. I study fashion and love italian and spicy mexican food.
Let me tell you a secret, I´m obsessed with Damir Doma!
Hi! I´m Nico. I´m 23 so you all should call me grandpa Nico.
What can I say about me? I was born in Argentina but actually I live in Valencia, Spain. I study fashion and my biggest dream is to become an artisan shoemaker.
I love italian and spicy mexican food. Also Dulce de Leche (milk jam)!
Let me tell you secret... I´m obsessed with Damir Doma!
I liked to read about the others so I do this in english even though i'm swedish if there is someone who feels the same. I'm 19 years old and longing for an apartment of my own, maybe more than anything. I like boys with Mediterranean hair. I want to work with film when I get older so that's what I'm trying to get an education in, after my graduation this summer. I live in Västerås but it's too small, i need Stockholm. Some of my favorite movies are The Choir, Everything is illuminated and Billy Elliot. I love to eat shellfish.
I liked to read about the others so I do this in english even though i'm swedish if there is someone who feels the same. I'm 19 years old and longing for an apartment of my own, maybe more than anything. I like boys with Mediterranean hair. I want to work with film when I get older so that's what I'm trying to get an education in, after my graduation this summer. I live in Västerås but it's too small, i need Stockholm. Some of my favorite movies are The Choir, Everything is illuminated and Billy Elliot. I love to eat shellfish.
I liked to read about the others so I do this in english even though i'm swedish if there is someone who feels the same. I'm 19 years old and longing for an apartment of my own, maybe more than anything. I like boys with Mediterranean hair. I want to work with film when I get older so that's what I'm trying to get an education in, after my graduation this summer. I live in Västerås but it's too small, i need Stockholm. Some of my favorite movies are The Choir, Everything is illuminated and Billy Elliot. I love to eat shellfish.
I liked to read about the others so I do this in english even though i'm swedish if there is someone who feels the same. I'm 19 years old and longing for an apartment of my own, maybe more than anything. I like boys with Mediterranean hair. I want to work with film when I get older so that's what I'm trying to get an education in, after my graduation this summer. I live in Västerås but it's too small, i need Stockholm. Some of my favorite movies are The Choir, Everything is illuminated and Billy Elliot. I love to eat shellfish.
I liked to read about the others so I do this in english even though i'm swedish if there is someone who feels the same. I'm 19 years old and longing for an apartment of my own, maybe more than anything. I like boys with Mediterranean hair. I want to work with film when I get older so that's what I'm trying to get an education in, after my graduation this summer. I live in Västerås but it's too small, i need Stockholm. Some of my favorite movies are The Choir, Everything is illuminated and Billy Elliot. I love to eat shellfish.
oj vad många utländska läsare du har. skoj!
22 år
Pluggar till sjuksköterska, äter helst ingenting. jodå men för mycket!! Nej men älskar alla former av grönsaker och yoghurt. Och choklad.... Och kaffe
I AM//
Interested in humans, nature and of what dust those two phenomenons exists. Obsessed with self, stars and art. Jewish by blood but not by heart. I question my self every day whether I am strong or weak..(and so does others, question me). I am both very caring/loving and narcissistic and I hope that one day these ambivalent feelings will go..
I find you beautiful and I would love to get to know you.
I'm 14, (will be 15 on May 10th), I like cheese pizza, and I'm from California. C:
I made Bok Choi for Easter dinner
From Vancouver, Canada
Im going to Belgium this summer
love your blog
hey, my name is hafiz akhbar, but i like if people would could me sun, i live in jakarta right now, i eat sushi when i get upset and i get some cinnamon roll as much as i can, but i freaking hate apple,
I live in the middle of absolute nowhere, near a little town called Cherry Valley. I like reading (especially Christopher Moore), music (almost everything), playing guitar, art (mostly modern art, but some earlier stuff like impressionism, and a small amount of post-modernism), my American Apparel t-shirt I'm wearing, nature, photography, lolcats, New York City, France, tomato sauce, pizza, raspberries, all good vegetarian food, really, with occasional bits of meat (I ate some lamb yesterday, but I didn't like it), cashews, and your blog 17.3, 1.75, 65
Hej. Filippa, tjugotvå år gammal, bor i staden Uppsala. Älskar bröd med mycket mycket smör. Älskar mest allt som kan ätas.
i'm a pasta girl, loveee any kind of pasta especially gnocci, from melbourne, australia, am 20 and studying interior design, love my music and drawing
love from singapore
i'm 18 (but i feel damn old). i'm from a small town in the south of germany. my favorite dish is probably sushi.
my favorite dish is a big peanut icecream and sometimes steak and ale pie
i'm living in france and i'm 42
i'm from poland but i really really want to live in NYC, i love music (especially movies soundtracks) and sofia coppola... i dream about miu miu ss10 shoes and alexander wang minty sweatshirt. i wish i was a composer or great fashion designer. i love pomelo and grapefruit :)))))
i am emma, and right now i should be writing an essay about my favorite book, my name is asher lev. i actually want to, im just not concentrated enough. i am young, and i used to be quite tall, but now i dont know. i have always been the tall one, its been a part of my identity, and most people still look at me as tall, but i dont feel that special about it any more. i wear a pair of too big, burgundy men's socks from uniqlo and a huge knitted cotton-sweater. my legs are full of goosepumps because i forgot to close all the open windows, and oslo is quite cold atm. my favorite food is capers, canned peppers, good bread, chorizo, gnocci and cava. no partucular dish(even though i love food) more what i am in the mood for. it depends. i used to wear so much black. now i want to change, and partially know what i want, but still cant complete it. (but i look at it as a good thing) favorite film: lost in translation+christiane f. favorite music: balanescu quartet, the weeknd, david crosbys orleans and john maus. oOoOO.
Linnea, 17 år. Läser samhäll/kultur och bor i Göteborg. Vill ta studenten så att jag kan flytta utomlands och glömma alla jobbiga människor i min närhet. Gillar dig.
i'm 18 and i live in california, near san francisco, but i used to live in a city in china for a few years. next year i'm going to berkeley for university. my favorite food is sushi, but i love all kinds of fruit and dark chocolate. my favorite music are the smiths, crystal castles, gui boratto, the knife, david bowie, massive attack, new order, etc. i've been reading your blog for about 2 years and i love it. <3
well, I'm maria. I don't know who I am...I mainly photograph and now I'm working on a magazine and it's all good. Love your blog as always. I'm 20 and my favorite dish is one made with love.
I'm Ellie and I live in Sweden. I love food and candy and everything you can eat, right now I would like a big cup of hot chocolate with lots of wiped cream and a sandwich right from the owen with loads of nutella! oh. Well, I've lived in sweden for all my life,but I can't wait to move to some hot country after school, like Italy, Greece or maybe Spain, just like Linnea I want to get away from the "social life" Im living right now, because it's all just a burdon all the time. And I'm 17. I LOVE your blog. kisses.
My name is Dana (or coco),I live in Estonia.I study medicine, but i am a freelance illustrator.
I am 21.
I do not eat alot,and i have just few favorite dishes...I love sushi,fish and indian food...but most of the time i eat like a "bird":)little snacks 24 hours a day..
Oh, I'm Vanamo, I live in Helsinki, but my hometown is a tiny village called Kuhmoinen in central Finland.
I love food, I love to cook but I hate eating food. Okay it's necessary to eat but when ever I eat I'm reeeeaally dissapointed of the taste and texture :( BUT I looooooooove vegan & bio chocolatepeanutbutter & dark choholatespread, soya yogurt, strawberries, ice cream and straberrysoyamilkshakes <3<3<3<33
hugs & kisses
im turning 18 next month im french
all i wanna do is eating mcdonalds 4ever + sleeping
im not a boy
im not a cat
guess am just drunkk bye babe
Emma, 20 år, från lilla Falkøping, bor nu i Oslo.
jag ælskar pasta. och mango. och pizza, helst kebab. sen tycker jag vældigt mycket om att kramas.
my name is hischam, im half german, half egyptian, was born in the us(and lived there for the first 10 years of my life).now i live in the south of germany, a bit west of munich. my favorite food is gnochi and sacher cake. i am 19 years old.
mid 20's LA musician who randomly found yr blog and totally loves yr insights into the world and yr cute aesthetic xx
ps coconut milk !
Anonym, 18 år, Stockholm. Går på en rätt populär skola mitt i stan och hänger i kretsar jag inte trivs i. Jag älskar amerikanska pannkakor och önskar jag visste mer om telepati.
Marc A., 44 (yeah, there's still life after 30!), from Germany, living in the U.K. and U.S. most time.
Favorite dish... depends on my mood, I love cooking for/with friends, prefer french and asian cuisine (or a mix of all).
Perfect day: hanging around with my gf and her little daughter, cooking and laughing, going out and taking some pics, for the night have diner with a few friends, maybe a glas of wine and good discussions...
Keep on blogging!
Hey Miriam,
I come from France. I've been following your blog for mouths...
We share the same passion for 90s shoes. I have my own collection of black 90s wedges and more. I do love to share with you.
I have bought the same Prada sandals last december - take a look to my tumblr, I have got something for you.
Have a lovely day, sweet.
So, this is a month late.
my name is samantha. when i was a kid my sister told me my dad named me after a stripper...
i'm 22. sometimes i feel i'd rather be 5, 17, 35 or 88 instead. i've been listening to the same ariel pink song on repeat because it creates the illusion of motionless time and i'm supposed to be doing an assignment. i'm from melbourne, half german, studying art history. i should be studying music.
i love cooking, anything chocolate. i'm vegetarian. i tried being vegan; didn't work out. i add nutmeg to everything even if it's inappropriate.
i want to learn instruments of the gamelan and get lost in forever.
i start things, never finish and then disappear.
oh, and i thought i'd be a "grown up" by now, but i think i've come to the conclusion that it's never going to happen.
love love.
this is also a month late. but I have to..
Im Sandra, 19 and live near stokholm. all I want to do is move to an other country because im sick of sweden. its beautiful here but we should always be neutral or very different..
this summer I travelled through europe and I fell in love with Vienna and Rome because they are two beautiful cities with so much history and fantastic art (!). I want to move to italy but need to learn a little italian first. But me and learning languages is not a good combination...
I love art and my mission in life is to become an artist. The question is just how I should survive?
I like all kinds of music but I wish I was the cool girl with special taste for music. You always want to be someone else, right? I love Eurovision song contest because your able to see all the differences through europe. I think its fascinating.
I have always been the one that wrote the longest essays in school, thats why its time for me to stop now.
I like your blog because it gives me inspiration, its the feelings in your pictures, I think. I'v read your blog for some years now, and for some reason I'v always come back.
Thank you.
Im Sandra, 19 and live in sthlm. all I want to do is move to an other country because im sick of sweden. its beautiful here but we should always be neutral or very different..
this summer I travelled through europe and I fell in love with Vienna and Rome because they are two beautiful cities with so much history and fantastic art (!). I want to move to italy but need to learn a little italian first. But me and learning languages is not a good combination...
I love art and my mission in life is to become an artist. The question is just how I should survive?
I like all kinds of music but I wish I was the cool girl with special taste for music. You always want to be someone else, right? I love Eurovision song contest because your able to see all the differences through europe. I think its fascinating.
I have always been the one that wrote the longest essays in school, that's why its time for me to stop now.
But I almost forget! my favorite dish must be italian ice cream. after eating their ice cream I dont like any other ice cream, not even ben and jerry's!
I like your blog because it gives me inspiration, its the feelings in your pictures, I think. I'v read your blog for some years now, and for some reason I'v always come back.
Thank you.
Im Sandra, 19 and live in sthlm. all I want to do is move to an other country because im sick of sweden. its beautiful here but we should always be neutral or very different..
this summer I travelled through europe and I fell in love with Vienna and Rome because they are two beautiful cities with so much history and fantastic art (!). I want to move to italy but need to learn a little italian first. But me and learning languages is not a good combination...
I love art and my mission in life is to become an artist. The question is just how I should survive?
I like all kinds of music but I wish I was the cool girl with special taste for music. You always want to be someone else, right? I love Eurovision song contest because your able to see all the differences through europe. I think its fascinating.
I have always been the one that wrote the longest essays in school, that's why its time for me to stop now.
But I almost forget! my favorite dish must be italian ice cream. after eating their ice cream I dont like any other ice cream, not even ben and jerry's!
I like your blog because it gives me inspiration, its the feelings in your pictures, I think. I'v read your blog for some years now, and for some reason I'v always come back.
Thank you.
Im Sandra, 19 and live in sthlm. all I want to do is move to an other country because im sick of sweden. its beautiful here but we should always be neutral or very different..
this summer I travelled through europe and I fell in love with Vienna and Rome because they are two beautiful cities with so much history and fantastic art (!). I want to move to italy but need to learn a little italian first. But me and learning languages is not a good combination...
I love art and my mission in life is to become an artist. The question is just how I should survive?
I like all kinds of music but I wish I was the cool girl with special taste for music. You always want to be someone else, right? I love Eurovision song contest because your able to see all the differences through europe. I think its fascinating.
I have always been the one that wrote the longest essays in school, that's why its time for me to stop now.
But I almost forget! my favorite dish must be italian ice cream. after eating their ice cream I dont like any other ice cream, not even ben and jerry's!
I like your blog because it gives me inspiration, its the feelings in your pictures, I think. I'v read your blog for some years now, and for some reason I'v always come back.
Thank you.
Im Sandra, 19 and live in sthlm. all I want to do is move to an other country because im sick of sweden. its beautiful here but we should always be neutral or very different..
this summer I travelled through europe and I fell in love with Vienna and Rome because they are two beautiful cities with so much history and fantastic art (!). I want to move to italy but need to learn a little italian first. But me and learning languages is not a good combination...
I love art and my mission in life is to become an artist. The question is just how I should survive?
I like all kinds of music but I wish I was the cool girl with special taste for music. You always want to be someone else, right? I love Eurovision song contest because your able to see all the differences through europe. I think its fascinating.
I have always been the one that wrote the longest essays in school, that's why its time for me to stop now.
But I almost forget! my favorite dish must be italian ice cream. after eating their ice cream I dont like any other ice cream, not even ben and jerry's!
I like your blog because it gives me inspiration, its the feelings in your pictures, I think. I'v read your blog for some years now, and for some reason I'v always come back.
Thank you.