weather n cookie

you can feel in the air that autumn is approaching..
can't wait for winter and december to come! my favorite time of the year
random days

stuffed, bloated and two and half men
enough said about me
how are you guys doing?

right now.
foodie boodie

..getting tired of my food-posts? he he
ok, morning loves!
it's friday and i'm eating different kinds of cereals and some brownie squars 4 bkfst
luxury morning!
slack soul
+ payday tomorrow yay
- wah, i just ate a whole package of cereals (500g) and 1 L soymilk that i bought on my way home from school today. today's lesson! don't eat and watch PLL at the same time!!!!!11 the tv is practically stealing your food
what's yr favorite cereals, if you have one? or two....... and one more thing, have you ever tried froot loops? if so, is it good? cuz im thinking of buying a package but those colorful crunchy sweet donut looks a bit creppy hehe
i look like crap
i feel like crap
i would describe myself as a old fatty chezzey toast that no one wantz
gah i wanna go into some hibernation thing 4 a while (one year)
and sry for lacking n boring updates lately
tea time

drinking WAAY too sweet tea.... too much honey
what's yr favorite tea??
long way