i cant grow a new heart


Postat av: emma

noen ganger minner du meg sånn om daul kim

2011-06-10 @ 11:00:55
URL: http://sheepskinmagazine.blogspot.com
Postat av: Bibi

Your emotions are so beautiful!

2011-06-10 @ 11:43:07
URL: http://wildcherrytemptations.blogspot.com/
Postat av: Anna

gud vad vackert ditt ansikte är i profil :)

2011-06-10 @ 18:11:33
URL: http://annanosslin.tumblr.com
Postat av: terese

du har skönhet

2011-06-10 @ 23:29:04
Postat av: Anonym

stop always complain, you got all for you.

it becomes annoying

2011-06-11 @ 06:52:46
Postat av: miriam

emma- really? vet ikke om det er bra eller dårlig

bibi- thank you

anna+terese- <3

"Jeane" - you don't need to visit my blog if you think im annoying..

2011-06-11 @ 08:09:02
Postat av: Lichy

ah, Miriam, don´t mind that annoying comment. That person obviously has no idea what Nirvana or who Kurt Cobain is and doesn´t know it´s his quote :D

I always love your posts, those pictures portray really special emotions and they say more than 100 words could ever say.

Keep it going, your blog is amazzzzing! :)

2011-06-11 @ 11:06:07
URL: http://lichy-wonkaworld.blogspot.com
Postat av: miriam

Lichy- thank you :) yr kind words means a lot xo

2011-06-11 @ 12:32:37
URL: http://wedgeheel.blogg.se/
Postat av: Anonym

you are gorgeous!

2011-06-11 @ 15:09:00
Postat av: juné

you are beautiful.

best wishes to you dear miriam. :)

2011-06-11 @ 19:49:01
URL: http://codyjune.com
Postat av: Aida

din profil är amazing!!!1

2011-06-12 @ 01:43:32
URL: http://ai-die.blogspot.com
Postat av: heleen

trop belle

2011-06-12 @ 13:18:35
URL: http://heleendb.blogspot.com
Postat av: Lina

du är snygg!!

2011-06-14 @ 13:55:17
URL: http://flin.devote.se
Postat av: ana

du är hysteriskt snygg. förstår dock inte hur du kan vara så smal och ändå äta så mycket gott??? åh

2011-06-15 @ 19:56:23
URL: http://crumblesss.tumblr.com
Postat av: mathilda

gud vad snygg du är!

2011-06-23 @ 23:52:57

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