junkie days

hate the exhaust n sultry air

Postat av: iida


2011-05-11 @ 20:40:04
URL: http://www.flickr.com/photos/23410887@N02/
Postat av: iida


2011-05-11 @ 20:40:48
URL: http://www.flickr.com/photos/23410887@N02/
Postat av: Suze

Nirvana on play,

yes huh

In Utero or Nevermind

which one pleases you?

2011-05-11 @ 20:46:01
URL: http://boundforblues.blogspot.com
Postat av: miriam

suze- gah hard!! but i say utero..

2011-05-11 @ 21:13:47
Postat av: 0408pm

i love you sunnies!

2011-05-11 @ 21:40:09
URL: http://0408pm.blogspot.com
Postat av: 0408pm

i love your sunnies

2011-05-11 @ 21:40:55
URL: http://0408pm.blogspot.com
Postat av: Joar

It's my birthday in less than an hour and i'm sittong in my room listing to a punk song about 16-yearolds, feeling it won't relate tommorow and that's the last chance to really enjoy it. Crying, thinking about how little i have done in my life. For months i've had this feeling that i'm getting closer to death with every second and there's not much time left. And i'm angry at myself for writing this and behaving like i do now, but there's nothing i can do to concentrate on other things.

2011-05-11 @ 23:28:02
Postat av: Ellen

Åh vilken fin kavaj du har. Och pennskrinet/necessären är jättefint! Varifrån är det?

2011-05-12 @ 10:53:15
URL: http://guselleni.wordpress.com
Postat av: Robine

Åh fint!

2011-05-12 @ 19:16:27
URL: http://pearlpinkandbabyblue.blogspot.com
Postat av: madeleine

dessvärre inte missat!

2011-05-13 @ 16:28:40
URL: http://paranoidfalukorv.blogg.se/
Postat av: Lova

I hate bad air too.

2011-05-14 @ 11:39:01
URL: http://popcorngeeks.blogg.se/
Postat av: john

röker du eller ser jag fel?

2011-05-23 @ 12:18:03
URL: http://awaymyghosts.blogspot.com

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