pastry friday
i'll bake 2morrow instead
2 lazzzy 2night :)
update 20:02
any ideas or recipes on something peanutbutterisssh that i can bake 2morrow?
Those look so yummmy! :D
I just slept a 3-hour nap so I'm guessing it's a very lazy night over here too.
Hope you're well x
this one:
this one:
or this one:
your blog = <3
I forgot to tell u that i stole ur idea for my blog
I find your kitchen beautifullll miriam
Jimena- nice with a long nap! same back xxx
Ingvild- thank you so much!! i'll check them out right away!
fred- aw love it!!
stm- you think? thanks! its not that fancy.. i'm loning to get my on place so much
ingvild- none of these have peanutbutter? i need to bake something with peanutbutter cuz i bought almost 2 kg pb heh
Miriam, did you perm ur hair ends? They look so lovely and soft!
I have baked an Oreo Cheesecake and coffee macarons this morning. im looking forward to tasting the result.
Gem- no hehe they are always like that, need to cut them tho! but thanks :)
Pauline- ooo send me some!!
taack! ah vad gjorde du där?
your long hair is great!
Oh wow du är så pretty, dör!! Nu verkar jag ju enbart skriva det men SUCH IS LIFE!
ditt hår är helt gudomligt. skulle kunna döda för det... typ eller så