hiding me
crappy mobile photos
thinking of dyeing my worn out hair peaks(?)
YEZ OOOOOO0000R NO?_?_?_???_?
take care loves
PS. i read the whole piggy bon mag today to give it one more chance (someone commented last week and said something like "only fashion people understand and like the mag")... so what did little miriam think? AD(S) and AD(S) and so damn boring images and boring and predictable texts AND interviews and i could go on 4eva....... my conclu about bon mag is that it is monotonous and pale, soulless and mainstream..... but it's nothing wrong with that, i mean people obviously like that... and i don't
omg!are you wearing a CAPE??YOU RULE!! <3 ps.your hair is to die for !
hello- yes it's a cape hehe <333333333333 aw thnx
u could bleach ur hair peaks! that might look nice. or just keep it as it is. i like that too))))
seinfeld äger ju haha.
i don't think so :D
love her hair and yours also
do it!!:))
Det är mormors lägenhet som jag hyr. Nja det kommer väl med tiden, tänkt på det flera gånger men har ingen lust att ha bilder på lägenheten rakt upp och ner. Men snart så!
Hur står det till med dig?
Ditt hår är att dö för.
jesus, I loooove your hair, can´t wait till mine grow as long as yours!
Most of this so-called real fashion is monotonous and costly materialism with predictable people bossing on top; people who think they're the most original but only come out the most predictable.
aw your hair looks lovely this way
and some great music for it http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MtbPk5NsEQA&NR=1 take care!
ah i love gudbrandsdalost. especially on walnut bread with butter!!
Alla tycker ju inte likadant, och det är ju bara bra. Personligen gillar jag inte tidningar som riktar in sig på unga tjejer och skriver om olika dieter.
Your hair is not bad but I don´t like it that way. Long and black hair is the way.
Yr hair looks so messed up, I can help u dress it up! may be !
it's not my hair on those ph!! it's only me on photo 2, 4 and 6