united states history of racism against black people

martin luther king's last speech

when you listen to martins last speech, it's almost like he knew that he would be killed that night

this boy is so damn cute!! <3

strong and brave rosa parks <3

I saw this documentary last night (the pictures above are from that documentary) that I can't stop thinking about
I love documentaries, I love to talk about subjects that people think are hard to talk about (especially here in Sweden)

I think that prejudice, ignorance and fear pave way(s) for extremism, racism etc in this world

I look up to people like Rosa Parks and Martin Luther king b/c they managed to make a difference through peaceful actions

They gave democracy a face

Postat av: Anonym

you have a good heart, miriam

2012-04-25 @ 18:18:35
Postat av: Ingvild


2012-04-25 @ 19:55:39
URL: http://tilbestemor.blogspot.com
Postat av: Anonym

vilken dokumentär?

2012-04-25 @ 20:41:56
Postat av: Miriam


anym- http://svtplay.se/t/152228/varldens_handelser

världens händelser - medborgarrättsrörelsen i usa

på svtplay!

svt har även fler bra dokumentärer som jag kan rekomentera,

K special: At night i fly

Dox: Mir - 10 år i Afghanistan

även Dokument utifrån - Europas extremister är värd att se! den såg jag dock på 2an.. vet ej om dom har webbtv?

2012-04-26 @ 07:08:27
Postat av: Cissi

gud vad bra, tycker samma som du. det är viktigt att diskutera dessa ämnen. vill också se denna!

2012-04-26 @ 19:34:21
URL: http://ansiktsburk.webblogg.se/
Postat av: lady vivian

damn your deep :P

2012-04-27 @ 19:16:40
URL: http://rich-hippie.blogspot.com/
Postat av: jeanne-ange

Your post is wonderful. so nice to hear such great words! greatt blog

2012-04-30 @ 10:57:11
URL: http://dasvisuelleich.blogspot.com
Postat av: sara

Earthlings is a good documentary too

Svar: thank you i'll check it out!
miriam assai

2015-01-02 @ 15:26:00

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